Praying Church Handbook and Resource Guide
Praying Church Handbook and Resource Guide
This handbook is a collection of substantive reflections on prayer. Contributors include global and national leaders, as well as the Church of God authors, leaders and intercessors.
The completed set includes 4 volumes:
Volume I – Foundations
Volume II – Personal and Family Prayer
Volume III – The Pastor and the Congregation
Volume IV – Intercessory Prayer and Mission
The chapters are sprinkled with prayer quotes and interjected with prayer vignettes. Each chapter is introduced with an historic note or prayer story. The book is contemporary, relevant, addressing cutting edge issues – contextualizing prayer, prophetic and priestly intercession, spiritual mapping, unreached peoples and prayer, a history of prayer including a special focus on the family and prayer, fathers and prayer.
A Resource Guide is available and is sold separately.
Individual volumes can also be purchased.
If you are looking for the Bonus Chapters (digital download) for volume III or IV select from the following (After clicking the link there is a download button to download to your computer/device):
ZIP (contains PDF, eBook for Kindle and epub format