Dancing at the Edge of Darkness
Dancing at the Edge of Darkness
Do you want a unique approach to evangelism? Here it is – dancing at the edge of darkness. Interrogative evangelism is out. Confrontation evangelism is ineffective. What your faith neutral friends are open to is “your story!” But, if you belong to Christ, your story is “His story!” Our story, to be effective, has to be rooted in the Biblical story. It has to contain all the elements of evangelism – the deadness of life without God, the awakening to God, the sorrow over wasted years, the invitation for Christ to be Lord, the redirection of life and the subsequent favor of God. Here is conviction, faith, repentance, confession, discipleship and blessing. In God’s story are all the critical elements of basic theology – creation and the fall, the redemptive thread in the Old Testament, the representative people, the seasons of the miraculous that saved the nation, the virgin birth and sinless life of Christ, his ministry and priestly death, his resurrection, ascension and enthronement, his return, the constitution of the church as a representative community empowered by the Spirit. Story is not void of good theology. In this series, Doug also explores the spiritual environment in which our story is told – the modern rebirth of ancient Baalism and God’s answer to that deadly faith system – his power. He also talks about the importance of intergenerational story-telling, “the meaning of the stones,” of passing on the legacy of our faith to our children. “Don’t let your stories die with you!” Dancing at the edge of the darkness is the call to sing, to offer thanksgiving and praise, in the face of the darkness.
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