The Classic Collection on Prayer
The Classic Collection on Prayer
Written by E.M. Bounds
Copyright 2001
Against the dark and bloody backdrop of the Civil War, in a country torn apart by moral issues so inflammatory that they pitted brother against brother on the battlefield, a gentle man of God came forth. Reverend E.M. Bounds joined the Confederate Army not to fight, but to pray for the soldiers who defended his beloved Missouri from the brutality of Union forces. It nearly cost him his life and twice cost him his freedom, but it gained him his soul.
E.M. Bounds' adventure is almost too extraordinary to believe, but his story is less important than the enduring legacy of prayer he left behind.
Based on the uncompromising, simple foundations of Scripture, Bounds shared the necessity, the possibility, and the methods of prayer. In the last seventeen years of his life, he wrote eight books in a series on prayer, only two of which were published during his lifetime. These books are now collected for you in this one powerful and inspring volume.