Wet Eyes & Caring Hands: The Intersection of Prayer & Compassion
Wet Eyes & Caring Hands: The Intersection of Prayer & Compassion
Wet Eyes and Caring Hands is an excursion through the ministries of 10 churches, plus vignettes of many other churches and ministries led by pastors and missionaries who want to touch the unreached around them. Their stories will inspire you. As members joined them in city or national impacting mission, sparks of new life erupted. The result has been explosive growth in some cases, a culture shift in congregations in other locations, and the transformation of the pastoral leader himself. These were not necessarily large congregations. Some had existed as single-cell fellowships for years. But an external focus brought new life.
Read their stories. Use this book as a weekly study guide. Begin with a small group of compassionate people for prayer and action. Consider the questions at the end of each chapter. Start the discussion. Look for a harvest field. Follow the Lord to the poor and needy. Experience revival.
Edited by P. Douglas Small
Copyright 2011